Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Religious Spirit

I believe we have all been influenced by the spirit of religion or phariseeism to one degree or another. We are all seeking to be free from it. Here are some characteristics of this spirit.

1. Has a form of godliness, but denies the true power thereof. 2 Tim. 3:5

2. Makes things too complicated – leads people astray from the simplicity of knowing Christ and living in childlike Faith. – 2 cor. 11:3

3. Steeped in various theological constructs intended to explain away the miraculous and the supernatural. Luke 11:14-16

4. Thrives on predictability, sameness, rituals, and traditions of men.

5. Concentrates power into a select few rather than releasing and empowering people to find their gifts so they can play an active part. Despises the priesthood of believers. Seeks to make a strong distinction between clergy and laity.

6. Loves titles and the recognition of men.

7. Gets confused by and disgruntled by those who really know God and hear God’s voice.

8. Seeks to suppress all displays of emotion. Outbursts of Joy, Love, tears, praise are not welcomed since that might offend people.

9. Keeps up a show of outward holiness, but suppresses and ignores the real evil within. Luke 11:39

10. Seeks to stay in control. Cannot stand it when the Holy Spirit or Jesus does things that might seem strange, unpredictable, or abnormal.

11. Prefers rules over relationship with God and others. Luke 11:42
“'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” Matthew 15:8

12. Compartmentalizes life so is unable to hear God’s voice. John 9:19-34.

13. Judges others harshly for their sins and looks down on others who struggle with sin. John 8:1-11; Luke 18:9-14

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